Monday, 6 February 2012

Week 2 - Meal Plan

The first few days on Paleo, weren't easy.  Our hunger seemed unstoppable and the tension between us was escalating as we consisted off mostly almonds, almonds, and more almonds. We decided week 2 would be different.  So after a 2 hour stop at the grocery store and $300 later, we felt more prepared than ever to take on our second week as Urban Cavemen. Here's the meal plan:


Homemade Paleo Pumpkin muffins (everyday)
Almond butter + apple sauce (everyday)
Fresh fruit smoothies (everyday)
Eggs (3 days)
Crepes (3 days)


Chicken salad
Pear + Butternut squash soup


Green God Bowl
Cuban salmon w/ rapini
Irish Stew
Tilapia w/ green beans + cauliflower
Pork Tenderloin w/ broccoli
Asian chicken w/ sweet potato mash + cucumber salad

Snacks - almonds, cashews, apples and grapefruits

As we complete this journey, we'll make sure to post all the recipes.  Until then, you'll have to keep following along. Happy Monday :)

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